Do you have an Open Day ?
Yes! We host an Open Day each year in May. Please check back on this page for the 2025 date closer to the time.
We are at capacity for 2025, however accepting waitlist applications for 2026 and beyond. If you would like your child to attend Staverton, please either:
* Call us on 07 3379 1511, or
* Get your child's name on the waitlist
We are very happy to take you on a tour of our lovely Kindy! We can arrange these on Wednesday mornings. Please reach out to Kristy our Nominated Supervisor at kristycoombs@staverton.com.au to arrange a visit.
When and how do I enrol my child?
Staverton Kindergarten is accepting waitlist applications for 2026. You can apply to enrol by clicking on the link below, calling us, or visiting the Kindergarten during office hours.
When will the offers for 2025 go out?
2025 offers will go out on 3rd of June, 2024. We would love for you to join our community Kindy. We send offers to families based on the date the waitlist application was received, with preference to returning families.
What happens next?
Upon accepting the position offered you and your child are invited to attend a parent information night on the 6th of November 2024. An initial interview with the teacher during October/November will also be held allowing both parents and the enrolled child to meet their teacher prior to commencement and understand fully what preparations need to be made to make the transition a positive one. Please be sure to notify us of any email address change so we can contact you to let you know when a place is available.
How many days will my child attend?
Each child attends a five day fortnight. This means your child will either attend on Monday's, Tuesday's and every alternate Wednesday or Thursday's and Friday's and every alternate Wednesday from 8.30am to 2.35pm. This means they attend 15 hours a week as required by the Queensland Government.
Do we need to be living within a specific catchment area to attend Staverton?
No. Enrolment at Staverton is not governed by “catchment areas”. We have children attending from surrounding suburbs and further afield.
Frequently asked questions.
Please see our FAQ for more information.
If you require support to understand how the enrolment process works, please see www.tisnational.gov.au or call 131 450.
Fee information
Our fees are detailed in our handbook and Statement of Fees. Fees are payable at the beginning of each term and are all inclusive.
Key documents